Cannabis Oil - Healthy Weed Oil Recipes
The greasy Christmas season is already upon us, so why not turn the oil into cannabis oil and boost the health values of the seasonal dishes, with a bonus of a good buzz?
Oil, you know, is not a bad word when it comes to health and even diet. On the contrary, there are oils, those that come from the plant and have not undergone murderous processing in the plant, which are even essential for health and weight maintenance. Olive oil and other cold-pressed vegetable oils, for example, as well as foods such as olives, avocados, tahini and seeds in general, nuts and more. So what about cannabis oil?
If we are talking about health, we can go a step further and add cannabis to the oil, which is known to react excellently to fatty substances, because THC is soluble in oil. In fact, cannabis should be diluted with an oily substance, before incorporating it into any recipe.
So here are some recipes for healthy oils plus cannabis, which can be used as a base for making cakes, cookies, pastries or stews, seasoning dishes, or just lightly spread on a slice of bread, cracker or toast.
To maintain the quality of the active ingredients of cannabis, green oils should be used mainly for seasoning cold salads, or for cooking at a temperature not exceeding 150 degrees Celsius.
Green olive oil
Olive oil is known to be the king of healthy oils. It contains unsaturated fatty acids, lots of vitamin E, vitamin K, minerals like calcium, potassium and iron and zero cholesterol.
The ingredients
35 g cannabis buds
Litre of olive oil (you can also use grapeseed oil, flaxseed oil or any other cold-pressed oil)
The preparation
Grind the flowers to a coarse powder
Pour the oil into the pot and heat over a medium flame for 10 minutes
Add the ground cannabis to the pot, stir and lower the flame
Cook the oil with the flowers for 4 hours, no need to stir
After cooking, allow the oil to cool for a few hours
When it is well cooled, filter the material
Pour it into a jar, seal and store in the refrigerator.
Green coconut butter
Coconut oil is considered to be one of the healthier oils, although it also has resistance, due to its saturated fat content. One way or another, he must be healthier than animal fat and he is cholesterol-free.
The ingredients
Glass of water
A cup of coconut oil
14 g crushed weed
The preparation
Place a thick, heat-resistant glass bowl into a saucepan
Fill the pot with water at a level that will reach the bottom of the bowl
Put the coconut in a bowl and let it melt
Add the water to the oil and continue to heat
Add the crushed buds to the bowl (you can also tie in a filter cloth and soak in the bowl)
Cook for 4 hours
When the water has turned green, take out the cloth bag or filter and set it aside to cool
Put the bowl in the freezer for two hours
Pour the water separated from the oil, transfer it to a box and store it in the refrigerator.
Green peanut butter
Peanuts are known as Guilty Pleasure but are actually very healthy (belonging, if you did not know, to the legume family). They contain a lot of protein, folic acid and minerals like potassium, phosphorus, magnesium and calcium. Here too, zero cholesterol. When buying peanut butter, it is best to go for the more natural versions.
The ingredients
About 5 g (or more) of crushed cannabis buds
A jar of peanut butter (about 500 g)
The preparation
Preheat oven to 163 degrees
Mix the peanut butter and inflorescence in a baking pan
Cover the pan with aluminum foil and place in the oven for 25 minutes
Remove, refrigerate, transfer to a closed container and store in the refrigerator.
Try some more great cannabis recipes here.
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