Growing Cannabis for Beginners - 4 methods of Germination

 Seed germination is the first stage that every cannabis grower who does not work with cuttings goes through, and the first stage in the natural life cycle of the cannabis plant. The germination process can take up to two weeks but is extremely simple, and requires mostly basic conditions like water, air and a pleasant temperature. Although cannabis seeds are known to be very strong and resilient and therefore can germinate in almost any soil and under any conditions, there are 4 main methods and a number of recommended tips for a successful germination process:

The natural life cycle of the cannabis plant begins, like any other plant, from being a small seed waiting to germinate and take root in the soil to grow and flower. This is therefore the first step in the path of any beginning cannabis grower (after the set-up train ) and also of veteran growers who prefer not to work with cuttings.

The first thing to know about sprouting cannabis seeds is that you usually do not have to do too much to take care of them. The cannabis plant is more similar to weed than many other plants, and one of its main characteristics is strength and ability to survive, so most often a seed will germinate on its own even if you do not read this guide.

 However, the first step on your path to success should be to strive to be done carefully, after reading all the relevant information and you are able to differentiate between the quality of different methods and find the one that is most convenient for you. So, let's start from the beginning.

First of all - get your female seeds from a reliable source

Before we begin to germinate our seeds, we must first of course obtain some seeds. Cannabis seeds can be obtained in several options, usually through the same groups that encourage online cannabis trade or through seed stores in Newfoundland, New Brunswick, Quebec and many of the provinces of Canada, but it is not recommended to obtain them through some unrecognized dealer or international sources.

The main reason why it is important to buy seeds from a reliable source, such as for example, is to make sure that these are female seeds (Feminized) that were produced in a long-term and planned process and have since been kept in optimal conditions. Otherwise, the chances of germination decrease and so do the chances of growth of a quality plant rich in flowers.

Germination of seeds by various recommended methods

Germination of cannabis seeds - this is where it all begins

Once you have obtained seeds from and prepared more seeds in advance than you actually want to grow (just in case), you can move on to the germination process itself.

One important thing to keep in mind before starting to germinate is that there is no reason to mess with and touch your seeds, and overall the less contact with the fingers, the better. We do not want to cause a rupture in the root (at a later stage) or contaminate the sperm in the first place.

There are 4 recommended methods to germinate cannabis seeds:

1. Germination in a glass of water

Germination in a glass of water is a very common method among cannabis growers in the United States. All you have to do is fill a clean glass with water at room temperature (22-25 degrees Celsius) and throw 5-6 seeds into it.

After you put your seeds in the water, they will probably try to float up (a non-floating seed is probably dead). Give them a small, gentle touch with their finger to sink back in, then place the glass with the water in a completely dark place for 12 hours.

After 12 hours you can peek and see which of the seeds have sunk and which of the seeds have remained up. The seeds that are now left up are recommended to be removed because these are probably seeds that will not be able to survive properly. Then, return the glass to the same dark place.

After an additional 16 hours, your seeds should swell and hatch. At this point, you can spread all the seeds on absorbent paper or another clean absorbent surface and examine them closely. Hatching seeds can be transferred to the soil for further growth.

2. Germination of seeds in the soil

Germinating cannabis seeds in the soil is perhaps the most common method among cannabis growers worldwide, especially for beginners who are doing it for the first time, and can also be said to be even the easiest and most natural.

All you have to do is germinate each seed in a separate disposable cup, preferably in large disposable cups used for hot drinking. Fill your cups almost all the way to the ground, without compressing them too much, and make a small hole in the middle with a finger about a centimetre deep. 

Insert into the dimples you created the seed, preferably with the round part down and cover it gently. From this point on, it is very important that you keep the soil moist at all times. The most recommended way to take care of this is to use a water sprayer. 

Place your sprouting cups in a comfortable place (about 25 degrees maximum), preferably one that is exposed to direct sunlight during some hours of the day, and wait several days. After a few days, you should see the tiny sprout from the ground. It is very important to remember - do not touch the sprout and do not remove the bark of the seed from the sprout until it falls out on its own.

From this point on, your sprout will need lighting. You should use a fluorescent bulb with white light and place it at a distance of 5 cm above the sprout, and take care to raise it when the sprout rises. It is important to make sure that the temperature does not fall below 16 degrees, which will harm the chances of germination success. 

Once the sprout is 15 cm high and has at least 3 leaf nodes, this is a sign that it is time to transfer the sprout to a larger pot and begin the growth phase.

3. Germination in rock wool

Germination in rock wool is a lesser-known method among novice cannabis growers, but at the same time, it is considered to be very effective and successful. Rock wool is an acoustic and thermal insulation material composed of artificial mineral fibres, and the young sprouts can be fixed in it as in soil.

The rock wool should be purchased in advance together with a propagator, which is a plastic surface with a lid (greenhouse) that is used for successful germination (or cultivation of cuttings) by providing an environment that penetrates sunlight but is opaque and moisture-retaining.

The process of germinating the seeds in rock wool is also very simple. All you have to do is buy the rock wool that comes in cubes, and gently dip them in clean lukewarm water.

After letting the cubes dry for a few minutes, plant one seed in each cube at a depth of about one inch. When you have finished sowing, add a little water at the bottom of the germination tray to a depth of half a centimetre, to make sure that the substrate always stays moist, and close the propagator lid. 

About 3 days after sowing, you will see the root base that developed from the seed. At this point, the seeds should be planted, as they are along with the rock wool cubes in the designated large pot in which they are to move to the growth stage. 

4. Germination in jiffy disks (germination disks)

A relatively new method for cannabis growers that is very similar to the rock wool method, but at the same time has been found to be much more effective with excellent germination chances, due to the vitamins and minerals contained in them.

The jeep discs (sometimes also called cubes) are actually compressed coconut discs, which serve as an excellent rooting substrate. The jeep disks come dry and very compact, and in order to start sowing our seeds in them, they must be soaked in clean water about 20 minutes before sowing. Also in this method, you will need to use a propagator similar to the rock wool method. 

After letting the discs dry for a few minutes, it's time to sow. Gently push the sperm into the disc to a depth of about one inch, and immediately close the propagator cap.

It is very important to remember to spray water twice a day on the inner walls of the propagator and open the shutters for a few minutes a day, in order to keep the humidity as high as possible and at the same time not to reach a dangerous level that allows mould to develop.

After a few days, depending on the strength and quality of the seed you have chosen to sow, you will begin to see the first signs of roots and successful germination. At this point, the seeds should be transferred as they are, along with the jeep disks to the large pot intended for the growth stage.


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