Basics of cannabis
Hemp is a leafy plant that grows wild in many temperate and tropical regions of the world. It is grown indoors and outdoors for the production of its flowers. The most common form of cannabis use is the leaves and tops of flowers (tassels) which can either be smoked or eaten. We also use hashish in a more resinous form and a sticky black liquid called hashish oil. There are three distinct types of cannabis: cannabis Sativa, cannabis Indica and cannabis Ruderalis, although there is disagreement as to whether these should be called varieties and not species. Most cannabis used for entertainment is the result of the intersection of these three types. The term "hemp" is used to describe low THC cannabis varieties grown for industrial purposes.
The power of cannabis varies greatly from one variety to another. Some known as "one-hit-shit", need only one filling of the lungs to activate their effects to the fullest while other varieties need more "sucks" to achieve the same results. Also, the amount one smokes can often be that someone else prefers. In general, 1/8 ounce (3.5 grams) of medium quality tassel could lift 20 to 30 people quite well.
The active ingredients in cannabis are called cannabinoids. There are many cannabinoids synthesized by the plant. These include tetrahydrocannabinol, cannabinol, cannabidiol, cannabinoid acid, cannabigerol and cannabichromene. Delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol is considered to be responsible for most of the psychoactive effects of cannabis and is the active ingredient in THC synthetic pills such as Marinol.
The main effects encountered by those who use cannabis for entertainment are euphoria, relaxation and changes in perception. The effects vary depending on the dosage, with the effects of low dosage offering a sense of well-being, moderate to offer a mild improvement of the senses (smell, taste, hearing), subtle changes in thought and expression, eloquence, laughter, increased appreciation of music, improved appetite and mild hallucinations with closed eyes. At higher doses, hallucinations may become more intense, the sense of time changes, attention and memory are affected, and process thoughts, as well as mental perception, may change significantly.
When smoked, the effects of cannabis begin almost immediately. When eaten, the effects can take 1 to 2 hours to manifest, depending on how much food is in the stomach.
The effects of smoked cannabis reach a peak after 20 minutes and last for 1 to 2 hours. When eaten, the effects will peak more slowly and the main effects can last 3-4 hours.
Effects on Vision (hallucinations)
Although most people have not experienced strong effects on vision some see hallucinations and certain cannabis varieties, as well as higher doses, can cause this effect.
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