What is Brick Weed Unraveling the Enigma of Brick Weed: A Comprehensive Exploration The diverse world of cannabis has birthed various strains and varieties, each catering to distinct tastes and preferences. Amid this vast spectrum, “brick weed” stands as a term often associated with compressed, low-quality marijuana. This article seeks to explore its historical roots, current existence, and the intricate details that define its place in the contemporary cannabis landscape. Marihuana prensada History of Brick Weed The inception of brick weed is intricately woven into the fabric of cannabis prohibition during the mid-20th century. This era, characterized by stringent legal measures against cannabis cultivation and distribution, set the stage for the clandestine birth of a distinct form of the plant: brick weed. As governments intensified their efforts to suppress cannabis-related activities, a shadowy world of innovative smuggling tactics and covert operations began to emerge. Smug...
How to Make a Cannabis Infused GingerBread House
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How to Create a Cannabis-Infused Gingerbread House The holiday season is a time for joy, creativity, and indulgence. What better way to celebrate than by creating your very own cannabis-infused gingerbread house? Combining the traditional charm of gingerbread with the added twist of marijuana, this unique edible creation will surely be the highlight of your holiday festivities. In this comprehensive guide, we will walk you through the process of making a cannabis-infused gingerbread house from scratch, ensuring a memorable and elevated experience for all. So gather your ingredients, unleash your creativity, and let’s get started on this ganja-filled holiday adventure! 1. Understanding the Benefits of a Cannabis-Infused Gingerbread House The combination of cannabis and gingerbread brings together two beloved elements of the holiday season. The joy of creating and decorating a gingerbread house is enhanced by the added twist of cannabis, offering a unique and elevated experience f...
Cannabis can help people with dementia!
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Scientists are investigating whether an active ingredient in cannabis could actually exorcise dementia. A team from Neuroscience Research in Australia is in the early stages of research into whether one of the main active ingredients in cannabis, called cannabidiol, could reverse some of the symptoms of memory loss in animals. Tim Carl, a senior researcher on the team, said cannabidiol does not have the same psychoactive effects as the main ingredient in marijuana, THC , but has been found to provide anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and other effects and could be beneficial to the brain. The hemp stated that it was used for medical purposes, until about 100 years ago but unfortunately as it often happens in our society, people decided it was a bad drug. His study involved mice that were bred to have similar symptoms to those seen in Alzheimer's disease. Dr. Karl found that mice that received cannabidiol showed a dramatic improvement in object recognition and memory than others mice. ...
Cannabis Ice Cream Recipe and Guide
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Cannabis Ice Cream Recipe and Guide On hot summer days there is nothing like cannabis ice cream that will cool the body and warm the mind… The best thing in extreme weather situations are the special treats that would not be worth the same if it was "just" pleasant outside. Hot chocolate under a blanket, for example, is much tastier when it is dog cold outside and it rains profusely compared to the exact same chocolate in a state of "partly cloudy". In the summer there are countless great ways and ideas to cool the body. Cold ice cream is without a doubt one of the most popular, and if it also has some cannabis in it - what good! Cannabis Ice Cream Recipe Ingredients: 2 grams of well-ground quality green (the amount of cannabis depends very much on the amount of diners and their endurance level for cannabis. We recommend no less than half a gram per person) 1 cup milk 2 cups cream 6 egg yolks 3/4 cup sugar Halved vanilla stick or high-quality cream extract (non-syn...
Smoking Marijuana: The Health Benefits !
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Many people say that cannabis has no medical value when smoked. Let this tale finally stop. Is smoking weed good for you? Well…. It depends Marijuana smoking has many health benefits, which are: 1. Cancer There are many people who say that smoking marijuana can cause lung cancer because it inhales smoke, like cigarettes. This is simply not true. Cigarette smoke causes cancer because tobacco emits radiation, while marijuana does not. In fact, the American Cancer Society has found that marijuana actually works to significantly slow the growth of tumours in the lungs, chest and brain. http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2007/04/070417193338.htm 2. Seizures Marijuana is a muscle relaxant and has "antispasmodic" properties that have been shown to be a very effective treatment for seizures. There are truly countless cases of people suffering from seizures that have been significantly reduced with marijuana use. 3. Migraines Since marijuana drugs were legalized in California, docto...
How to do Effective Marijuana Advertising and Marketing
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How to do Effective Marijuana Advertising and Marketing. How is advertising related to marketing? Advertising is a form of marketing. Marketing is much bigger than just advertising. Marketing includes selling, advertising, and communicating messages with your customers. Advertising is a small part of the marketing equation and has become less effective in an age where the average person sees 4000+ ads per day. In today’s hyper-connected world, two-way communication between your brand and your customer is the most effective form of marketing in 2017. We’ll get into how to do this shortly. What is advertising? Advertising 99% of the time involves your business paying money to another third-party business in exchange for displaying your message to their audience. This represents the opportunity for your business to communicate with a target market you currently don’t have the ability to interact with unless you pay to use the third-party platform. (I’m going to show you how to build...
Hemp seed oil and its beneficial properties.
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Hemp seed oil and its beneficial properties. The genus Cannabis belongs to the cannabis family Canabaceae and includes three species: 1) Cannabis sativa 2) Cannabis indica 3) Cannabis Ruderalis . Hemp has been one of the most important plants for humans since 8,000 BC. until the beginning of the 20th century. The homeland of cannabis is considered to be Central Asia from where it spread throughout the world. It has been used for thousands of years for food and clothing, as an energy source but also as a healing and euphoric means. Hemp seed oil is extracted from the Cannabis sativa plant. It is considered one of the most nutritious oils in the world. Cannabis has been used in medicine for centuries. With an ancient testimony in China, during the Ming Dynasty, under the name Ma Zi. It has a variety of applications in the food, pharmaceutical and cosmetics industries. The oil provides the body with proteins and important amino acids, essential for health and wellness. It is e...