How to do Effective Marijuana Advertising and Marketing
How to do Effective Marijuana Advertising and Marketing. How is advertising related to marketing? Advertising is a form of marketing. Marketing is much bigger than just advertising. Marketing includes selling, advertising, and communicating messages with your customers. Advertising is a small part of the marketing equation and has become less effective in an age where the average person sees 4000+ ads per day. In today’s hyper-connected world, two-way communication between your brand and your customer is the most effective form of marketing in 2017. We’ll get into how to do this shortly. What is advertising? Advertising 99% of the time involves your business paying money to another third-party business in exchange for displaying your message to their audience. This represents the opportunity for your business to communicate with a target market you currently don’t have the ability to interact with unless you pay to use the third-party platform. (I’m going to show you how to build...